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About Manuel and his music in general
"How to buy... Ash Ra Tempel" - from the British music magazine Mojo
Interview with Manuel Göttsching regarding his album Ash Ra Tempel Experience 2017 (by Igor Maltsev)
"Meet the Germans" (by the renowned "Goethe-Institut")
Manuel's interview with Thodoris Dimitroulas from May 27, 2014 for Hit Channel
Manuel Göttsching special in the Italian magazine Blow Up
The French daily newspaper La Libération dedicates an article to Ash Ra Tempel & Timothy Leary!
An article in Russian on the page of the Deutsche Welle
Strange Days features an interview of Manuel-San
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
About Manuel and the new re-release of his solo albums and those by Ashra
From the Japanese magazine Brutus
Stopper to a program with Manuel
Get press August 2008: News from the Tokyo Tower Museum
Manuel has also fans in New Zealand (White Fungus)
Part 1 Part 2
Interview with Manuel in general and about Echo Waves in special (ALAIN FINKIELKRAUTROCK)
Interview with Manuel in general and about E2-E4 for the first time on stage in Japan (HIGHER FREQUENCY)
About their role in music history: Harmonia, Kraftwerk, Can and Manuel Göttsching (WOM)
Tobias Fischer in the Tokafi magazine: About copyrights in general and copyright infringements regarding E2-E4
An interview from the Japanese Remix magazine
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
An interview from the Japanese Phono magazine
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
An article in the biggest Japanese daily newspaper "Yomiuri Shinbun" that lists Manuel Göttsching among the top four goods of export from Germany to Japan - next to German wine, sausage and... the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. (In Japanese)
An article from the Groove magazine (Germany)
Also in English
An interview with Manuel Göttsching in Bryan Adams' Zoo Magazine (no 11) (in German)
An interview with Manuel Göttsching published on Archie Patterson's Eurock website
An article in Finger magazine (Switzerland)
Also in English (translation by Heinz Keiser, thanks!)
An article in English magazine Mojo
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Short article on the Braunschweig film festival with participation by Manuel Göttsching (Concert for Murnau)
"It's only rock'n'roll, but I like it"
"I do not feel like a guitarist of the 70s"
An article from the German tip magazine about Manuel and E2-E4 before the Ashra concert in Berlin at the Academy of Arts (ADK)
An article in German magazine Tagesspiegel about Manuel Göttsching and Ashra before their concert in Berlin at the Academy of Arts (ADK)
"Music is an international language"
"The drug was: the music."
"There's something wrong with an art that needs to be described."
An interview with Manuel Göttsching, on the Eurock website
An old article in German magazine Musik Express about an Ashra concert
In memoriam Manuel Göttsching
Electicity Club
Institut d'études supérieures des arts (IESA), Paris
Radio Eins
The Wire
Der Spiegel
MiG Music
Echoes (USA)
Music Times (USA)
Stereogum (USA)
Clashmusic (UK)
(12/2022) New!
Japanese press
Süddeutsche Zeitung
The Guardian
Le Monde
Zürcher Unterländer
Berliner Tagesspiegel
Berliner Zeitung
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger
Rheinische Post
ARD (Bayerischer Rundfunk)
Bernd Kistenmacher's website
A very personal note by author Richard Brox
About the E2-E4 dance show in Mannheim/Germany
Mannheimer Morgen
Die Rheinpfalz
E2-E4's 35th Anniversary - some contributions
German review of the E2-E4 2016 vinyl edition in Groove by Harry Schmidt
German review of the E2-E4 2016 vinyl edition in by Thoralf Koß
An German interview with Manuel in MIXMAG
E2-E4's 30th Anniversary - some contributions
Cover story of 8 pages in UK's acclaimed musik magazine THE WIRE
Article by Alexis Waltz in Süddeutsche Zeitung
Christoph Klemps contributes in Ruhr-Nachrichten
About E2-E4 in general
(12/2024) New!
A 3-minute feature about Manuel Göttsching in the German TV programme "Abendschau" (RBB)
Another article about the Berlin cinema event in Frankfurt/M-based "Weltexpresso"
"40 Jahre Manuel Göttschings Album E2-E4"
(4/2024) New!
Stefan Gubatz spielt E2-E4
First of all, E2-E4 is highly respected by the most comprehensive online music reference source on the planet!
"Manuel Göttsching: e2-e4 und die Erfindung der Techno-Musik"
"In der Popmusik entsteht nichts Neues"
"The Story of Manuel Gottsching 'E2-E4'"
Announcement to Manuel's UK concert in The Wire
August 15, 2008: New York Times announces Manuel Göttsching's concert at Lincoln Center's Worldless Music Series
An article by Clovis Goux in the French TRAX magazine: Échec et mat
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The Amsterdam concert 2015
A Dutch review of the Amsterdam concert
Announcement of the concert in the British "Fact" magazine
The OVAL Space, London
The Guardian
Fact TV part 1
Fact TV part 2
Metro London
Biba Kopf, The Wire in an interview with MG
The Glasgow concert
"The Quietus"
"The List", Glasgow
Metamorphose 2010
From TimeOut, Japan
Manuel in China's capital
About Manuel concerts in Beijing (Fashion)
About Manuel concerts in Beijing (Beijing Today)
About Manuel concerts in Beijing (Yoho)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Time Out, November 1: E2-E4 at the 798 Art Center, Beijing
That's Beijing, November 1: E2-E4 at the 798 Art Center, Beijing
Flyer to the MG's second concert on November 2: At D22 with Chinese cult band WHITE
City Weekend, November 2: At D22 with Chinese cult band WHITE
Flyer to MG's third concert: At Yu Gong performing live to F.W. Murnau's "The Haunted Castle"
ASHRA - the headliner at Metamorphose
Keyboards magazine, no. 2/2009: About Ashra's concert in Japan 2008
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About Ashra's concert in Floor Magazine
Review about Ashra's concert in Floornet Japan
Review about Ashra's concert in Japanese Remix Magazine
The Metamorphose Festival wrote us a very nice mail that we would like to share with Manuel Göttsching's & Ashra's fans
An article of the concert in Japanese leading newspaper of Yomiuri dated September 4, 2008 (Thu)
On August 29, 2008 (Fri), another Japanese leading newspaper, Asahi wrote an article about the concert at Metamorphose. The article is very favorable, mentioning "Flying Turtles" as a very impressive piece of music
Remix Magazine August 2008: Ashra heading the Metamorphose Festival
Groove: Frontline
Music Culture Acid 4 August 2008: About Manuel Göttsching & Ashra
Club Wallpaper August 2008: Poster of the Metamorphose Festival, featuring Ashra
Solinger Tageblatt about the Ashra concert in Japan
Rheinische Post about ASHRA's reunion concert in Japan after 8 years.
At Joe Claussell's LOVE, New York
Timeout Magazine, NY: Manuel Göttsching and his music
Joaquim Claussell invites to a special Event with Manuel Göttsching at LOVE
At Lincoln Center's Wordless Music Series
Review of the E2-E4 concert in THE WIRE, UK
August 15, 2008: New York Times announces Manuel Göttsching's concert at Lincoln Center's Worldless Music Series
Time Out: About Manuel's concerts in NY
The Guardian's Music Blog (UK): Congratulations for Manuel's concert at the Lincoln Center
Old boy meets young girl at Berlin's UfaFabrik
Tokafi Magazine presents the event
Göttsching talks about music, composing and films on Radio Eins
In memoriam Willy Sommerfeld
Manuel Göttsching's Willy Sommerfeld tribute concert on
German taz magazine on Manuel Göttsching's Willy Sommerfeld tribute concert
Information on Manuel Göttsching's Willy Sommerfeld tribute concert (also in German)
After the Watergate concert
UK Art Magazine FRIEZE reports about Manuel's 55th birthday Party
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Article about Manuel in SPEX
Article about Manuel in Süddeutsche Zeitung, 12.09.2007, Feuilleton
Article about the Watergate Concert
Review in Berliner Zeitung
About Manuel's concerts in Korea 2007
An article about Manuel in Korean magazine Movie Week
After the Berghain concert
An article from the WOM magazine (Germany)
Part 1 Part 2
A concert review in German Raveline magazine
A concert review in German INTRO magazine
A review of the Berghain concert in German newspaper Märkische Oder-Zeitung
A funny review of the Berghain concert in German newspaper Die Tageszeitung (not really true, but nice)
Before the Berghain concert
An article about E2-E4, in German newspaper Berliner Morgenpost
A 3-page interview with Manuel Göttsching about E2-E4 in German newspaper Die Tageszeitung
A short history of E2-E4 in German newspaper Die Tageszeitung
The Berghain concert presented as Tages-TIP ("Hint of the Day") in German magazine TIP 25/2006
An article about the 25th birthday of E2-E4 in German magazine TIP 25/2006
One of the biggest Dutch newspapers (NRC Handelsblad) also announces the concert
Announcement for the Berghain concert in DE:BUG, issue 107
An article from the German weekly Groove, announcing the Berghain concert (in German)
Birthday congratulations in German weekly DIE ZEIT on the 25th anniversary of E2-E4 (in German)
"Start of Art" - About E2-E4 in Remix magazine (USA)
E2-E4 selected as one of "The Best Chill-Out Albums Of All Time" by English music magazine Q
Part 1 Part 2
An old article in German Zitty magazine about Manuel and E2-E4's history in Germany
About Manuel's concerts in Japan and Poland 2006
Interview with Manuel Göttsching in Japanese online magazine Higher Frequency
More about the Metamorphose festival in Japanese Loud magazine about the Metamorphose festival (in Japanese)
An article in Japanese Remix magazine about the Metamorphose festival
An article in Japanese Loud magazine about the Metamorphose festival (in Japanese)
About Manuel's concert with video artist Kinga at the film festival Era New Horizons in Wroclaw/Poland in Teraz Rock (in Polish)

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