About Manuel and his music in general |
"How to buy... Ash Ra Tempel" - from the British music magazine Mojo (4/2022) |
Interview with Manuel Göttsching regarding his album Ash Ra Tempel Experience 2017 (by Igor Maltsev) (5/2017) |
"Meet the Germans" (by the renowned "Goethe-Institut") (9/2014) |
Manuel's interview with Thodoris Dimitroulas from May 27, 2014 for Hit Channel (5/2014) |
Manuel Göttsching special in the Italian magazine Blow Up (1/2014) |
The French daily newspaper La Libération dedicates an article to Ash Ra Tempel & Timothy Leary! (7/2011) |
An article in Russian on the page of the Deutsche Welle (6/2011) |
Strange Days features an interview of Manuel-San
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 (1/2009) |
About Manuel and the new re-release of his solo albums and those by Ashra (1/2009) |
From the Japanese magazine Brutus (11/2008) |
Stopper to a program with Manuel (9/2008) |
Get press August 2008: News from the Tokyo Tower Museum (8/2008) |
Manuel has also fans in New Zealand (White Fungus)
Part 1 Part 2 (6/2008) |
Interview with Manuel in general and about Echo Waves in special (ALAIN FINKIELKRAUTROCK) (10/2007) |
Interview with Manuel in general and about E2-E4 for the first time on stage in Japan (HIGHER FREQUENCY) (8/2006) |
About their role in music history: Harmonia, Kraftwerk, Can and Manuel Göttsching (WOM) (11/2007) |
Tobias Fischer in the Tokafi magazine: About copyrights in general and copyright infringements regarding E2-E4 (7/2007) |
An interview from the Japanese Remix magazine
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 (6/2007) |
An interview from the Japanese Phono magazine
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 (4/2007) |
An article in the biggest Japanese daily newspaper "Yomiuri Shinbun" that lists Manuel Göttsching among the top four goods of export from Germany to Japan - next to German wine, sausage and... the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. (In Japanese) (4/2006) |
An article from the Groove magazine (Germany)
Also in English (3/2006) |
An interview with Manuel Göttsching in Bryan Adams' Zoo Magazine (no 11) (in German) (2006) |
An interview with Manuel Göttsching published on Archie Patterson's Eurock website (2006) |
An article in Finger magazine (Switzerland)
Also in English (translation by Heinz Keiser, thanks!) (1/2005) |
An article in English magazine Mojo
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 (4/2003) |
Short article on the Braunschweig film festival with participation by Manuel Göttsching (Concert for Murnau) (2003) |
"It's only rock'n'roll, but I like it" (2002) |
"I do not feel like a guitarist of the 70s" (2001) |
An article from the German tip magazine about Manuel and E2-E4 before the Ashra concert in Berlin at the Academy of Arts (ADK) (7/2000) |
An article in German magazine Tagesspiegel about Manuel Göttsching and Ashra before their concert in Berlin at the Academy of Arts (ADK) (7/2000) |
"Music is an international language" (1998) |
"The drug was: the music." (6/1996) |
"There's something wrong with an art that needs to be described." (1996) |
An interview with Manuel Göttsching, on the Eurock website (1996) |
An old article in German magazine Musik Express about an Ashra concert (1977) |
In memoriam Manuel Göttsching |
Electicity Club (12/2022) |
Institut d'études supérieures des arts (IESA), Paris (12/2022) |
Radio Eins (12/2022) |
The Wire (12/2022) |
Der Spiegel (12/2022) |
Focus (12/2022) |
MiG Music (12/2022) |
Musikwoche (12/2022) |
Groove (12/2022) |
Echoes (USA) (12/2022) |
Music Times (USA) (12/2022) |
Stereogum (USA) (12/2022) |
Clashmusic (UK) (12/2022)  |
FAZEmag (12/2022) |
Amazona (12/2022) |
radiohoerer.info (12/2022) |
Japanese press (12/2022) |
Süddeutsche Zeitung (12/2022) |
The Guardian (12/2022) |
Le Monde (12/2022) |
NPR (12/2022) |
Zürcher Unterländer (12/2022) |
Berliner Tagesspiegel (12/2022) |
Berliner Zeitung (12/2022) |
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger (12/2022) |
Rheinische Post (12/2022) |
ARD (Bayerischer Rundfunk) (12/2022) |
Lokalkompass (12/2022) |
Bernd Kistenmacher's website (12/2022) |
A very personal note by author Richard Brox (12/2022) |
About the E2-E4 dance show in Mannheim/Germany |
Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung (7/2023) |
Mannheimer Morgen (2/2023) |
Die Rheinpfalz (2/2023) |
E2-E4's 35th Anniversary - some contributions |
German review of the E2-E4 2016 vinyl edition in Groove by Harry Schmidt (12/2016) |
German review of the E2-E4 2016 vinyl edition in musicreview.de by Thoralf Koß (12/2016) |
An German interview with Manuel in MIXMAG (12/2016) |
E2-E4's 30th Anniversary - some contributions |
Cover story of 8 pages in UK's acclaimed musik magazine THE WIRE (12/2011) |
Article by Alexis Waltz in Süddeutsche Zeitung (12/2011) |
Christoph Klemps contributes in Ruhr-Nachrichten (12/2011) |
About E2-E4 in general |
FAZEmag (12/2024)  |
A 3-minute feature about Manuel Göttsching in the German TV programme "Abendschau" (RBB) (5/2024) |
Another article about the Berlin cinema event in Frankfurt/M-based "Weltexpresso" (5/2024) |
"40 Jahre Manuel Göttschings Album E2-E4" (4/2024)  |
Stefan Gubatz spielt E2-E4 (6/2022) |
First of all, E2-E4 is highly respected by the most comprehensive
online music reference source on the planet! (8/2021) |
"Manuel Göttsching: e2-e4 und die Erfindung der Techno-Musik" (6/2018) |
"In der Popmusik entsteht nichts Neues" (9/2017) |
"The Story of Manuel Gottsching 'E2-E4'" (9/2015) |
Announcement to Manuel's UK concert in The Wire (8/2015) |
August 15, 2008: New York Times announces Manuel Göttsching's concert at Lincoln Center's Worldless Music Series (8/2008) |
An article by Clovis Goux in the French TRAX magazine: Échec et mat
page 1 page 2 page 3 page 4 (2/2008) |
The Amsterdam concert 2015 |
A Dutch review of the Amsterdam concert (8/2015) |
Announcement of the concert in the British "Fact" magazine (2/2015) |
The OVAL Space, London |
The Guardian (8/2013) |
Fact TV part 1 (9/2013) |
Fact TV part 2 (9/2013) |
Metro London (9/2013) |
Biba Kopf, The Wire in an interview with MG (9/2013) |
The Glasgow concert |
"The Quietus" (11/2010) |
"The List", Glasgow (11/2010) |
Metamorphose 2010 |
From TimeOut, Japan (9/2010) |
Manuel in China's capital |
About Manuel concerts in Beijing (Fashion) (10/2008) |
About Manuel concerts in Beijing (Beijing Today) (11/2008) |
About Manuel concerts in Beijing (Yoho)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 (12/2008) |
Time Out, November 1: E2-E4 at the 798 Art Center, Beijing (1/2009) |
That's Beijing, November 1: E2-E4 at the 798 Art Center, Beijing (1/2009) |
Flyer to the MG's second concert on November 2: At D22 with Chinese cult band WHITE (1/2009) |
City Weekend, November 2: At D22 with Chinese cult band WHITE (1/2009) |
Flyer to MG's third concert: At Yu Gong performing live to F.W. Murnau's "The Haunted Castle" (1/2009) |
ASHRA - the headliner at Metamorphose |
Keyboards magazine, no. 2/2009: About Ashra's concert in Japan 2008
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 (2/2009) |
About Ashra's concert in Floor Magazine (8/2008) |
Review about Ashra's concert in Floornet Japan (8/2008) |
Review about Ashra's concert in Japanese Remix Magazine (9/2008) |
The Metamorphose Festival wrote us a very nice mail that we would like to share with Manuel Göttsching's & Ashra's fans (8/2008) |
An article of the concert in Japanese leading newspaper of Yomiuri dated September 4, 2008 (Thu) (8/2008) |
On August 29, 2008 (Fri), another Japanese leading newspaper, Asahi wrote an article about the concert at Metamorphose. The article is very favorable, mentioning "Flying Turtles" as a very impressive piece of music (8/2008) |
Remix Magazine August 2008: Ashra heading the Metamorphose Festival (8/2008) |
Groove: Frontline (8/2008) |
Music Culture Acid 4 August 2008: About Manuel Göttsching & Ashra (8/2008) |
Club Wallpaper August 2008: Poster of the Metamorphose Festival, featuring Ashra (8/2008) |
Solinger Tageblatt about the Ashra concert in Japan (8/2008) |
Rheinische Post about ASHRA's reunion concert in Japan after 8 years. (7/2008) |
At Joe Claussell's LOVE, New York |
Timeout Magazine, NY: Manuel Göttsching and his music (8/2008) |
Joaquim Claussell invites to a special Event with Manuel Göttsching at LOVE (8/2008) |
At Lincoln Center's Wordless Music Series |
Review of the E2-E4 concert in THE WIRE, UK (9/2008) |
August 15, 2008: New York Times announces Manuel Göttsching's concert at Lincoln Center's Worldless Music Series (8/2008) |
Time Out: About Manuel's concerts in NY (8/2008) |
The Guardian's Music Blog (UK): Congratulations for Manuel's concert at the Lincoln Center (8/2008) |
Old boy meets young girl at Berlin's UfaFabrik |
Tokafi Magazine presents the event (7/2008) |
Göttsching talks about music, composing and films on Radio Eins (8/2008) |
In memoriam Willy Sommerfeld |
Manuel Göttsching's Willy Sommerfeld tribute concert on blogspot.com (2/2008) |
German taz magazine on Manuel Göttsching's Willy Sommerfeld tribute concert (2/2008) |
Information on Manuel Göttsching's Willy Sommerfeld tribute concert (also in German) (1/2008) |
After the Watergate concert |
UK Art Magazine FRIEZE reports about Manuel's 55th birthday Party Page 1 Page 2 (11/2007) |
Article about Manuel in SPEX (10/2007) |
Article about Manuel in Süddeutsche Zeitung, 12.09.2007, Feuilleton (9/2007) |
Article about the Watergate Concert Review in Berliner Zeitung (9/2007) |
About Manuel's concerts in Korea 2007 |
An article about Manuel in Korean magazine Movie Week (2007) |
After the Berghain concert |
An article from the WOM magazine (Germany)
Part 1 Part 2 (2/2007) |
A concert review in German Raveline magazine (2/2007) |
A concert review in German INTRO magazine (2/2007) |
A review of the Berghain concert in German newspaper Märkische Oder-Zeitung (12/2006) |
A funny review of the Berghain concert in German newspaper Die Tageszeitung (not really true, but nice) (12/2006) |
Before the Berghain concert |
An article about E2-E4, in German newspaper Berliner Morgenpost (12/2006) |
A 3-page interview with Manuel Göttsching about E2-E4 in German newspaper Die Tageszeitung (12/2006) |
A short history of E2-E4 in German newspaper Die Tageszeitung (12/2006) |
The Berghain concert presented as Tages-TIP ("Hint of the Day") in German magazine TIP 25/2006 (12/2006) |
An article about the 25th birthday of E2-E4 in German magazine TIP 25/2006 (12/2006) |
One of the biggest Dutch newspapers (NRC Handelsblad) also announces the concert (12/2006) |
Announcement for the Berghain concert in DE:BUG, issue 107 (11/2006) |
An article from the German weekly Groove, announcing the Berghain concert (in German) (10/2006) |
Birthday congratulations in German weekly DIE ZEIT on the 25th anniversary of E2-E4 (in German) (10/2006) |
"Start of Art" - About E2-E4 in Remix magazine (USA) (3/2006) |
E2-E4 selected as one of "The Best Chill-Out Albums Of All Time" by English music magazine Q
Part 1 Part 2 (7/1999) |
An old article in German Zitty magazine about Manuel and E2-E4's history in Germany (1997) |
About Manuel's concerts in Japan and Poland 2006 |
Interview with Manuel Göttsching in Japanese online magazine Higher Frequency (8/2006) |
More about the Metamorphose festival in Japanese Loud magazine about the Metamorphose festival (in Japanese) (10/2006) |
An article in Japanese Remix magazine about the Metamorphose festival (2006) |
An article in Japanese Loud magazine about the Metamorphose festival (in Japanese) (10/2006) |
About Manuel's concert with video artist Kinga at the film festival Era New Horizons in Wroclaw/Poland in Teraz Rock (in Polish) (9/2006) |