Manuel Göttsching's Studio Roma |
- Gibson SG Les Paul (limited edition, about 1961)
- Fender Telecaster J.D.
- Hawaiian guitar (no name - built in former GDR)
- Roland GS 500 Les Paul with GR 500 controller
- Classic model from Markneukirchen (former GDR)
- Classic model, custom built by Erich v. Lülsdorf (Berlin)
guitar effects:
- Morley WVO (Wah-Volume)
- SansAmp GT2 (Tube amp simulator)
- Earnie Ball (Volume)
- SolaSound (Wah)
- Big Muff (Distortion)
- Compact Phasing (Schulte Audio, Berlin)
- Shure wireless system T4G
- Countryman DI-Box
- Korg GT-60X Guitar Tuner
Synthesizer, Sampler
- Akai S1000 (with SyQuest Disk Drive)
- Roland S-550 (with monitor)
- Publison DHM 89 B 2 with keyboard KB 2000
- Korg Wavestation
- Roland MC 303
- Minimoog
- EMS Synthi A
- EKO Rhythm Computer (the legendary custom built model from Italy, programmable with punched cards)
- Farfisa Synthorchestra
- Korg SQD-1
- Clock Divider (custom built)
Mixing and Monitoring
- Studio desk: Soundcraft Series 1600, 24 in 8, Patchbay, 2x RTW Peak Programme Meter 1206
- Live desk: Mackie CR 1604 VLZ
- Monitors: Klark Teknik JADE I, Active Monitor
Tape Recorders
- Tascam DA-38, 8-track, Remote RC-808, Sync-unit MMC-38
- Sony DAT-Recorder
- Otari MX 5050 MK-III, 8-track, with CB-116 Autolocator & CB-116 Remote
- Revox A 77, with unique wide-range vario-speed (custom-built by Hofschneider, Berlin)
- Aiwa 3-Head Cassette deck
- Dual 3-Head Cassette deck
- Aiwa HS-JS 135 (Walkman with recording & FM radio!)
HD Recorders, Sequencers
- Apple: Power Mac 8200, 1,2 GB Harddisk & 2 GB Harddisk, Jaz drive, with Cubase Audio XT, Digidesign Audiomedia III, Opcode Studio 4 Midi Interface
- Atari: 1040 ST with C-LAB Notator
Outboard Equipment
- Alesis Quadraverb
- Publison DHM 89 B 2 (famous harmonizer/delay)
- AKG BX 5 (smooth old spring reverb)
- Dynacord DRS 78 (terrific old digital reverb/delay)
- 2x Roland SDE 2000 (delay)
- Roland SBF 325 (flanger/chorus)
- Rebis Series RA 200 Sound processing modules (Expander, Compressor, Limiter, Noise Gate, Parametric EQ, Sampler, Auto-Panner)
- Tascam MH 40, Headphone Amp
- CD-Player: Sony, CEC
- Tuner: Pioneer, Technics
- Turntables: Technics
- Answering machine: Loewe AlphaTel
- Hohner Blues-harp in D-major
- Tunesian flute...

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