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"There's something wrong with an art that needs to be described."
Q: What were your early influences?
Manuel: I had some years of classical guitar training when I was a child. My interest in music
was the same as with most young people when they are teenagers, I think. Influences? When
I was a teenager, I was listening to the usual rock and pop music of that era, STONES, BEATLES,
SMALL FACES, WHO, FLEETWOOD MAC, YARDBIRDS... and when we started to do music, we tried
to copy this music. I wanted to play drums, but we had already a drummer. Therefore, I was
the singer. I was then 14 or 15 years old. Shortly after, I also played guitar.
Q: What are your creative approaches to writing music?
Manuel: Creative approaches to writing? I sit in my studio and start to play. An idea comes.
I try to play with it. Sometimes, some nice things come out of it, sometimes not, and sometimes something completely different comes out of it.
Q: Why is it sometimes "Ash Ra Tempel", "Ashra" or even "Manuel Göttsching"?
Manuel: I shortened the group name ASH RA TEMPEL to ASHRA when I signed with Virgin
Records in the mid seventies. The "Tempel" had always such a religious touch - even if this
was not at all intended, it was just a fancy name that no other group had.
Q: How do you conceive the project COSMIC JOKERS? Was there any composition process?
Manuel: I did not "conceive the project COSMIC JOKERS". This was a product of the producer
and owner of the OHR label, Mr. Rolf-Ulrich Kaiser. He invited the musicians from the label
and some friends to big parties in a studio, let them all have fun (and
dangerous drugs sometimes), and play. Kaiser recorded it all and later made albums from it, partly by remixing it in
a very strange way - and without asking the involved artists. Some of the musicians - EDGAR
FROESE and KLAUS SCHULZE for instance - didn't like this procedure and the results at all and
went to court. "Composition process"? There wasn't any. It was just a playing around by
people who partly didn't know what they were doing, and didn't know that records were made.
Even strangers and non-musicians were present and played sometimes.
Q: How do you know when a piece of music is finished?
Manuel: It's the job and the responsibility of the artist: He just knows when a piece of art is
finished. Therefore, he's an artist. Got it?
Q: How does your music change in the course of time? What are the influences?
Manuel: "The times they are a-changing". Besides, the fashions are changing, the public is
changing. The artist grows, gets older and changes too. It's a normal process in life. Very
simple but also very complex. The influences are multifold and mutual. It's not an obvious
thing I can tell a big story about.
Q: You are a pioneer of trance music. What do you think?
Manuel: I have other interests than sitting at home and thinking about being the "pioneer of
trance music". If people say so, it's okay and fine. I can live with that.
Q: Why did you release The Private Tapes CDs?
Manuel: The main reason for the release of The Private Tapes was Klaus D. Mueller. He
had the idea, he asked me if I also like the idea, and then we searched through some of my
old tapes from the seventies, copied eights hours on DAT, and kdm did the rest. I got
paid good. As far as I know about the reactions from fans and the press, people love it. I think it
was quickly sold out. Because by some accident it fell into a temporary "Krautrock" fashion?
...or was it our release who causes this little fashion? ...together with very similar releases
that Klaus did for KLAUS SCHULZE using old tapes by my old pal?
Q: How came the E2-E4 album?
Manuel: In November 1981 I was invited by Klaus Schulze to play guitar on his European
concert tour. I did so and we enjoyed it (See Schulze's Historic Edition and Jubilee Edition
sets). When the tour was finished, and I was back home, I was still in a playing mood.
Therefore, I sat down and played one long piece of music. Just for myself. At one go. No
multitrack, no replay, no nothing. I sent a tape copy to Klaus Schulze. Three years later, KS
had his own label Inteam, and he remembered this tape and asked me if he can release
this one hour track on his label... I said yes, and Klaus Schulze released then E2-E4. Of
course, the correct title must be with two small "e": "e2-e4", because it's named after the
chess game's most common opening move. The expression "e2-e4" was a private joke then
among some friends of mine. The album didn't sell well. Three years later, Schulze's label
went bankrupt, and then, slowly and funnily, people began to notice E2-E4. It's still a steady
Q: What is your feeling about playing in concerts?
Manuel: After a very long pause we played in Japan last February (1997). It was great, because
we decided before not to play "the old stuff" but in a more modern style. It was a wise
decision. It was much more fun, for us and for the audience. "We" means: the classic ASHRA
trio of Lutz, Harald, and me, and in addition we had a young guy called Steve with us. Good
man. There will be more concerts like that soon.
Q: What will you do next? What do you think will be in ten years?
Manuel: At the moment I have to think about the mix of our Japan concerts for a CD release.
Then there are these offers to make more concerts, in Germany and in England... and some
of them we will do.
Q: Tell me about your very influencial guitar playing style, please.
Manuel: How can I talk about my "guitar playing style"? I do play guitar. That's all. One must
not speak about everything. There's something wrong with an art that needs to be described.
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