Ashra: Sauce Hollandaise
Press Reviews |
(In English, will be opened in a new window) (Sonic Curiosity, USA, 2001) |
(In French, will be opened in a new window) ("Guts of Darkness", Canada, 2007) |
»What memory imprint a thousand years old lies among the dark abandoned
corridors of an underground cave in which water trickles down the walls and
microscopic life blooms undisturbed and unhindered? What paranoiac activity
develops within city life interspersed with passionate nights, katzenjammer,
and maenads? What is the sound of an eagle perceiving its own echo as it
sweeps through the air, or the perception of a seagull hovering above
tranquil waves? While the answers may not be apparent, and the events in
utter lack of correlation between each other, the impressions are long lasting
and almost spiritual, resulting from a tacit communication with the sound
waves that are generated as electricity flows and magnetic phenomena are
used to reproduce the musical contents of Ashra's live Sauce Hollandaise.
At the time of its release the first occasion on which a new Ashra album was
recorded and made available to the public after a lengthy nine-year hiatus,
Sauce Hollandaise is a lavish voyage through the musical whimsies of Manuel
Göttsching and the interpretation that his colleagues Lutz Ulbrich, Steve
Baltes, and Harald Grosskopf gave them more than four years ago in
Nijmegen. Going through lush atmospheres and recursive themes that evolve
through minimalism and the gradual building up of layers and levels of sound
and notes, the record is a dazzling display of electronic impressions and a
rhythmic counterpoint between drummer Grosskopf and the rhythm machines
of Baltes that gives the album an almost tribal intensity at times.
The interaction, however, doesn't stop with percussive elements of
characterization, as Göttsching and Ulbrich interlace their gorgeous guitar
playing so that the resulting path is indivisible and moves throughout
keyboard atmospheres and timely samples to produce an ironically
analog-sounding mix on the sparse Echo Waves and the curiously distant
intimacy of Twelve Samples. The ambient continuity that hitherto remains
untouched is then given a fantastic turnaround through a techno-sounding
moment in Niemand lacht rückwärts, (No one laughs backwards... see? My
German isn't that bad.) but the suite taken in its entirety oozes a rock vibe
via its strong percussion and edgier guitar solos. Seen as a record, however,
Sauce Hollandaise is a cohesive entity in which contrasting variations and
minimalist subtlety are a fine delicacy interspersed with more swaying
passages; a wonderful display of the art of subtlety per se.
In contrast to his subsequent work with Ash Ra Tempel, Göttsching selected
a somewhat less warm-sounding spectrum of electronic music with which to
work, moving instead towards an area that has slightly more energetic and
edgier qualities; but the difference is a subtle one nevertheless and
connoisseurs will doubtlessly revel in its discovery and appreciate both
compositional and interpretational details. It is only with such sensitivity that
the listener can truly link oneself to the aural impressions of Sauce
Hollandaise, and it is that same sensitivity that makes Ashra an act that not
only transcends corporal limits by means of emotion and atmosphere, but
also one with the ability to decide to what extent such activity will take
place, and how it will acquire shape as a wonderful and carefully designed
suite.« |
»Un nouvel album après neuf années de silence discographique et un premier
live officiel finalisé en dehors d'une collection particulière (The Private Tapes) pour le
célèbre group de M.G. [...] Et en fait de Sauce, il faudrait plutôt parler d'un Plat de
Gourmet, [...] "Souvent une orgie de rythme" note Klaus Mueller dans le livret. Et comment! [...] Et ici
pas de doute, la magie est présente. Pour l'inauguration d'un nouveau label, c'est un premier
coup de maître qui augure bien de la ligne artistique.« ("Oniric", France) |
»Un disco sorprendente. Quando uno è un genio, può stare fermo anche anni
che quando decide di ricominciare può solo insegnare. Bravo Klaus D. Mueller, un "uomo
con la visiono delle cose", un pezzo di storia della nostra viata e della musica più
esaltante che l'Europa ricordi.« (G. Gasparetti, "Deep Listenings", Italy) |
»This is the first new ASHRA album in many years and is the debut CD on
Klaus Mueller's Série Poème label. [...] The half-hour Echo Waves features the rhythmic
fluttering of lightly playing guitars dancing about each other over a bed of concise drumming and
soft synthetics. [...]
Twelve Samples commences with a gently gliding solo guitar playing over
an electronic backdrop that sounds like a cross between White Eagle period Tangerine Dream, 1970 Pink Floyd, and 1975 Schulze, urged on by light cymbal thrap drumming and smooth
chord progressions. [...]
The final cut, Niemand lacht rückwärts is slightly more
rock-oriented, highlighted by a wonderful drum solo... and a Santana-like lead. ASHRA has
always been one
of the greats of the golden age of electronic music. Sauce Hollandaise lets us
know that, perhaps, the golden age has yet to end.« (M.C. Mahan, "Interface Magazine", USA) |
»After almost ten years of silence (The Private Tapes was the only sign of activity) ASHRA can be heard again on a record, a "live" recording, in fact the first in the group's history. [...]
I believe many veterans of old good electronic rock started to shiver while listening to the famous echo play with the guitar and keyboard, which is M.G.'s trademark from over a quarter of a century ago. The recent "U2" show in Poland was only a small substitute for this sound. [...] If only the songs were a little bit shorter [...] Being part of the live audience is different [...] At home the atmosphere is totally different [...] This recording is only a document for me... saying to me "it happened one day."« (Artur Lason [translation], "Estrada i Studio", Poland) |
»Bravo.« ("Soundi", Finland) |
»Sauce Hollandaise es el retorno de Manuel Göttsching a la actualidad discográfica tras 9 años de silencio a la vez que el primer disco en directo de su extensa trayectoria. [...] El catálogo de "série poème" no podía tener mejor arranque con el retorno de uno de los grandes de la música electrónica. ¿A qué esperas para conseguirlo?« (R. Dorado, "margen", Spain) |
»Deze cd is de perfecte registratie van dat perfecte concert.« (Frits Couwenberg, "KLEM", The Netherlands) |
»Sauce Hollandaise wird von Klaus-Schulze-Manager Klaus D. Mueller
präsentiert und
belegt erneut, welch entscheidende Rolle die Gitarre in der elektronischen
Musik spielen kann
- wenn sie von Manuel Göttsching gespielt wird. Ein Glücksgriff. Gleich der
Opener [...] ist
feinste Tripmusik, unaufhaltsam smoothen die vier Musiker über einen farbigen
in Richtung Sound-Nirwana. Herz-Bauch-Bein-Musik. Vital und treibend.
[...] soundtechnisch
sicherlich eines der besten Live-Alben. So sind Göttsching & Co auf dem
richtigen Weg ins nächste Jahrtausend.« (TR, "tip" and other German magazines) |
»[...] one of Germany's legendary rock bands [...] Manuel Goettsching's ricochet
guitar [...]
Goettsching's distinctive style transforms the electric guitar into an
instrument of liquid grace,
chords unfurling like an earthbound aureola borealis diving towards the
heavens in lavishing streamers of sound. [...]
The clincher: cohesion, the brilliant meshing of these splending
aspects, harnessed in
three epic pieces that list and drive the spirit with cosmic tonalities and
ultra-sinuous rhythms. Ecstatically recommended.« (again: M. Howarth, "Post Broth.", USA) |
»Ashra features the guitar work of spacemusic legend Manuel Göttsching and
has helped define the genre of spacemusic ever since their first album was released on
1971 [...] The latest album, Sauce Hollandaise, was recorded live [...] and is the groups first
release in nine years. Three tracks from the concert made it to the CD. They are fascinating
updated versions of the time tested classics and capture the energy of the
performance.« ("Star's End", USA) |
»Many thanks indeed for great CD by ASHRA! [...] Of course I have run this CD for the full
length of time on the air. I dare to say that it is the best album of ASHRA which I have heard,
wonderful, grandiose album. Thanks you very much from me and from all my listeners.« (S. Tutov, "Radio Roks", Russia) |
»Also, received Sauce Hollandaise. Truly superb! Thanks.« (M. Howarth, comic designer, USA) |
kdm: Danke für die Sauce Hollandaise-Bemerkung. Noch ein Tip dazu: Auf keinen Fall leise hören.
» Leise? LEISE? - Nie käme ich darauf... :-) ... vor allem nicht beim zweiten Stück Twelve Samples. Abends freue ich mich dann an meinem Kopfhörer (und meine Nachbarin wahrscheinlich auch ;-))« (again: P. Stöferle, Germany) |
»[...] will ich gleich noch ein weiteres Kompliment loswerden, Betrifft ASHRAs Sauce Hollandaise. Ich bin begeistert und hoffe auf weitere Poèms.« (P. Stoeferle, "The Dream Collector", Germany) |
»Ein Genuß! Eine sehr pfiffige Sauce Hollandaise, die sehr geschmackvoll auf den Tisch
gebracht worden ist und vielen Menschen gefallen wird.« (T.v. Veen, radio, The Netherlands) |
»First, many congratulations on the formation of your new record label série poème and its
first release Sauce Hollandaise by ASHRA.« (J. Miller, freelance writer, UK) |
»We have received Sauce Hollandaise by ASHRA. Thank you! Wonderful music! Our
congratulations for the birth of the Série Poème!« (J. Munshee, "Amazing Sounds", Spain) |
»I am really enjoying it.« (J. Gross "Perfect Sound Forever", USA) |
»Just received ASHRA's Sauce Hollandaise - terrific stuff! Thanks for sending it to me, and
congratulations on your new label.« (M. Darnell, "Beyond the Horizon", USA) |
»[...] danke für ASHRA. Höre es gerade zum ersten Mal. Was zur Hölle ist e-bow? Was Lüül ist, weiß ich. Aber e-bow? Ich kenne den alten Western "Ritt zum Ox-Bow" (mit einer tollen
Musik!) ich kenne den Ellenbow - aber e-bow?? Ist denn nichts mehr so wie zu meiner Zeit???
Da hatte man Farfisa, eine Charleston-Maschine (heute HiHat oder so ähnlich) und eine
Echolette. Und Millionen Fans. Heute hat man Millionen Instrumente aber - naja - Deine Leute
haben ja noch Publikum. Überall uffe Welt. Mach´s gut - grüß Manu und Lüül und Klaus den anderen (the exploihoihoihoihoited...).« (O. Leitner, radio, Germany) |
»It sounds good, many thanks for the album. [...] I would like to play it on the radio with an
interview.« (J. Mikkola, radio, Finland) |
[Sauce Hollandaise - Main Page]

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