Ashra: Walkin' The Desert
Press Reviews |
(In English, will be opened in a new window) (allmusic.com, Music Industry's Reference Book, USA) |
»Multilayered guitars, keyboards, and sampled sounds produce a mesmerizing effect.
[...] these guys still got it. A beautiful package that contains a history of the group, a family tree,
as well as thoughts from Goettsching himself.« ("The Laser's Edge", May '90, USA) |
»Es ist stark impressionistische, durch Gitarren, elektronische Keyboards und gesampelte
Beduinenstimmen in fünf Teilen vermittelte Musik zwischen Minimalismus, Ethno-Weltmusik
und (einem Hauch) New Age.« (HJG, "tip", Berlin, March 1990) |
»This time the new ASHRA experiments with the complexity of the concentrated use of
certain instruments per song, as in using only two keyboards for one song, only six voices for
another, or only 12 samples for another. The powerful result is a startling, yet faintly familar
sound made up of arid keyboards, charming crystalline sequences and finally, the resounding
bent-sustain guitar notes that ASHRA fans have grown to worship. [...] More than simply
satisfying, this release is a breathtaking growth for the band, expanding the group's root talent
into new regions.« (M. Howarth, "Reflex magazine", 1991, USA) |
[Walkin' The Desert - Main Page]

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